The PISA 2022 National Report Education in a Dynamic World: The performance of students in Ireland in PISA 2022.
This report, published in December 2023, presents the reading, mathematics and science results of students in Ireland in PISA 2022.
Press release
Cultivating Creativity: What the PISA 2022 results say about creative thinking in Ireland
The report draws on data from the student, parent and school questionnaires from PISA 2022 and explores young people’s experience of creativity and creative thinking inside and outside of school, and within the home environment.
PISA 2018 National Report: Learning for the future: The performance of 15-year-olds in Ireland on reading literacy, science and mathematics in PISA 2018.
PISA 2018 Report: Reading literacy in Ireland in PISA 2018: Performance, policy and practice.
This report, published in April 2022, presents a detailed examination of reading literacy achievement in Ireland, drawing on data from PISA 2018.
Press Release
Publications by cycle
PISA 2015 national publications (focus on science)
PISA 2012 national publications (focus on mathematics)
PISA 2009 national publications (focus on reading)
International reports and databases
Click on the links below for further information.
PISA National Advisory Committee for Ireland (2022-2025)