Title: PIRLS 2021: Exploring the contexts for reading of primary school pupils in Ireland This report presents a detailed examination of reading literacy among primary school pupils in Ireland, focusing on the relationships of a wide range of contextual factors with pupils’ reading achievement. Drawing on data from the 2021 cycle of the Progress in InternationalRead more…
Latest News
ERC publishes PIRLS 2021: Exploring the contexts for reading of primary school pupils in Ireland
ERC launches the TIMSS 2023 national report
The ERC is pleased to publish the results for Ireland from TIMSS 2023 in a new report: TIMSS 2023: Insights into mathematics and science achievement in Ireland (https://doi.org/10.70092/2009137.1224). TIMSS assesses the mathematical and scientific knowledge and skills of students in Fourth Grade and Eighth Grade (Fourth Class and Second Year in Ireland). TIMSS 2023 isRead more…
TIMSS 2023 national report will launch at 9am Wednesday 4th December
The ERC is pleased to announce the forthcoming launch of the TIMSS 2023 national report which will be available from https://doi.org/10.70092/2009137.1224 at 9am on Wednesday 4th December 2024. TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) has been assessing the mathematics and science skills of Fourth Grade and Eighth Grade students internationally (Fourth Class andRead more…
ERC launches a new report on students’ experience of P-TECH Ireland
The ERC is pleased to announce the release of our latest report: P-TECH Student Survey Report 2024. This report focuses on the experience of the first cohort of P-TECH students in Ireland as they complete post-primary school. The report is now available for download here: https://doi.org/10.70092/1620538.0924
ERC launches final report of the longitudinal Digital Learning Framework Evaluation
The ERC is pleased to publish the final report of the longitudinal Digital Learning Framework Evaluation. It evaluates the implementation of the DLF from multiple perspectives over a three-year period. The report examines the current policy and research landscape on the use of digital technologies in schools and considers how schools have had successes andRead more…
ERC launches a new report on DEIS action planning for school improvement
The ERC is pleased to announce the release of our latest report: Principals’ initial perspectives of action planning in new DEIS primary and post-primary schools. This report focuses on action planning implementation in schools entering DEIS for the first time in 2022. We encourage all stakeholders in the DEIS community to read this resource! TheRead more…
TIMSS 2019 Report published by the ERC
The ERC has published a follow-up report drawing on TIMSS 2019 data which explores the areas in mathematics and science where students in Ireland perform particularly strongly as well as the areas where they do less well. The report can be downloaded here and Appendix Tables here. The Trends in International Mathematics and Science StudyRead more…
Call for Inputs – Glaonna d’ionchuir
The ERC is calling for inputs to gather the views of stakeholders on how the role of the ERC may evolve over the coming period and what strategic priorities should be included in our forthcoming Strategy. The ERC’s forthcoming Strategy will cover the five years from 2025 to 2030. The aim of this Call forRead more…
ERC launches report on Creative Thinking in PISA 2022
The ERC has published a new report on creative thinking – Cultivating Creativity: What the PISA 2022 results say about creative thinking in Ireland. The report draws on data from the student, parent and school questionnaires from PISA 2022 and explores young people’s experience of creativity and creative thinking inside and outside of school, and withinRead more…
ERC launches a new report about home backgrounds, classrooms and schools of pupils in Urban DEIS schools
The ERC is pleased to have launched a new report – Ireland’s 2021 National Assessments of Mathematics and English Reading: Exploring the home backgrounds, classrooms and schools of pupils in Urban DEIS schools. The report draws on data from the pupil, teacher and school questionnaires from NAMER ’21 and profiles the homes, classrooms, and schoolsRead more…