PISA 2009: Results for Ireland and Changes Since 2000
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This report describes the achievements of Irish students in print reading, digital reading, mathematics and science; considers how achievement has changed since 2000; examines background characteristics that help to explain achievement differences; and considers changes in background characteristics over time. The report includes a set of policy recommendations.
Reading Literacy in PISA 2009: A Guide for Teachers
This guide focuses on the performance of 15-year-old students in Ireland on the print and digital reading assessments. It examines factors associated with reading achievement and changes in reading achievement over time. The results of a national teacher survey conducted as part of PISA 2009 are described. The report includes a set of recommendations for the teaching and learning of reading.
Digital Reading Literacy in PISA 2009: Summary Report for Ireland
This summary contains the key results from the PISA digital reading assessment, with comparisons of performance on print reading.
PISA 2009 Summary Report for Ireland
The PISA 2009 summary report describes the achievements of students in Ireland on PISA 2009, when the main domain was reading literacy. At the time of writing, results for digital reading were not available – these are published in other reports on PISA 2009 (above).
Independent Review of the PISA 2009 Results for Ireland
This report is an independent technical review of the PISA 2009 results for Ireland conducted by international experts from Statistics Canada.
Factors Affecting Inferences About the PISA Results in Ireland
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This report follows from recommendations made in the Statistics Canada technical review of results. It provides a review of the methods used to scale the PISA results that are used to interpret changes in achievement, and considers alternative ways to compare change over time. The report also examines how features of the PISA test design are related to changes in performance. It provides evidence that students’ response patterns on the PISA tests have changed over successive PISA cycles. The conclusions specify limits for reasonable inferences on the basis of the PISA results.
PISA 2009: Comparisons with 2000
This report to the Department of Education and Skills considers changes in achievement since 2000 under three headings: sampling, procedural and other changes, and linking and scaling issues.
PISA 2009 Mathematics: Comparisons with 2003
This report to the Department of Education and Skills considers changes in mathematics achievement since 2003, and potential reasons for these changes.
Does Student Engagement Explain Performance on PISA?
Compared with previous administrations of PISA, students in Ireland in 2009 skipped more questions on the PISA test. This report examines the extent to which this has occurred, and whether patterns of ‘skipping’ are the same for reading, mathematics and science questions. The report concludes that student disengagement with the PISA testing process is an important factor in considering changes in Irish performance scores.
Responses to the Print and Digital Reading Assessments in PISA 2009
Students in Ireland did better on the assessment of digital reading compared to print reading. This report examines students’ responses to the two assessments and shows that the better performance on digital reading may in part be due to greater student engagement with the digital reading test.
PISA 2009 Information Brochure
This brochure gives a brief overview of the design of PISA 2009, highlighting what is new about the 2009 cycle, and how it was implemented it in Ireland.
Information for Students
This brochure was for students selected to participate in PISA 2009.
Information for Parents
This brochure was for parents of students selected to participate in PISA 2009.