What is the Timeline?

Timeline for ICCS

The milestones associated with the implementation of ICCS are shown below:


  • July-September 2007: Countries prepare for the field trial
  • September-October 2007: National centre staff complete the national context survey (Phase 1)


  • October-January 2007-2008: Implementation of the field trial (Ireland – January)
  • April – June 2008: International project staff and national centres review the field trial results and select test and questionnaire items for the main study
  • July 2008: Main study operational procedures and manuals are finalised
  • August-September 2008: Southern Hemisphere countries prepare for the main study
  • October-December 2008: Implementation of the main study in Southern Hemisphere countries


  • November-January 2008-2009: Northern Hemisphere countries prepare for the main study
  • February-April 2009: Implementation of the main study in Northern Hemisphere countries (Ireland – February)
  • May-September 2009: International project staff process data and produce achievement scales and questionnaire indices
  • August – November 2009: National centre staff complete the national context survey (Phase 2)
  • October 2009: International project staff and national centres review the main study results


  • June 2010: Release of ICCS initial findings report and national summary of first findings
  • November 2010: Release of full ICCS international report and European regional module report


  • Release of full length national report
  • Release of international database and supporting documentation
  • Release of ICCS Technical Report and Latin American regional module report


  •  Release of ICCS Encyclopaedia and Asianregional module report