A Teacher’s Guide to PISA Mathematics and Problem Solving
PISA in Classrooms: Implications for the teaching and learning of mathematics in Ireland
Project Maths and PISA 2012: Performance in Initial and Non-initial Schools on Mathematics, Problem Solving and Junior Certificate Mathematics.
The Project Maths initiative began in 2008 in 23 schools throughout Ireland. All of these Initial schools were selected to participate in PISA 2012, presenting an opportunity to compare the performance of students in Initial schools with that of students in Non-initial schools.
Problem Solving in PISA:The results of 15-year-olds on the computer-based assessment of problem solving in PISA 2012
This report presents the results of the computer-based assessment of problem solving from PISA 2012 for Ireland
Learning for Life: The Achievements of 15-year-olds in Mathematics, Reading Literacy and Science in PISA 2012
This report presents the mathematics, reading and science results of students in Ireland from PISA 2012.
Mathematics in Transition Year: Insights of Teachers from PISA 2012
This report is based on the findings of a survey of a nationally representative sample of mathematics teachers and mathematics school co-ordinators, implemented as part of PISA 2012 in Ireland. The focus of the report is on the teaching of mathematics in Transition Year and examines the structure and content of mathematics classes in Transition Year as well as teachers’ views on the purposes of mathematics in Transition Year.
Teaching and Learning in Project Maths: Insights From Teachers Who Participated in 2012
This report describes the findings from a national survey of mathematics teachers and examines their views on Project Maths, as well as teaching and learning practices, ability grouping, and uptake of mathematics at higher, ordinary and foundation levels at junior and senior cycles. The report focuses mainly on junior cycle, and includes a set of recommendations.
PISA 2012 information for schools, students and parents
The three brochures at the links below contain information on PISA 2012 – what PISA is, what is involved, and how results are used.
School brochure
Student brochure
Parent brochure