PISA 2006


A Teacher’s Guide to PISA Science   

The guide describes student performance on the PISA assessment of scientific literacy, student attitudes to and engagement with science, and the implications of PISA 2006 for the teaching of science in Ireland.

PISA 2006 Main Report   

The PISA 2006 main report, Ready for Tomorrow’s World?, details the achievements of students in Ireland on PISA 2006, when the main domain was science.

PISA 2006 Main Report
electronic appendix
The electronic appendix for the PISA 2006 main report contains full information on multiple comparison tables of mean achievement scores contained in the main report. As well as science, it includes data for reading and mathematics, and standard errors and Bonferroni-adjusted confidence intervals.

PISA 2006 National Symposium, April 18, 2008
The Third National PISA Symposium event programme and presentations are available here for download.

PISA 2006 Summary Report   

The PISA 2006 summary report describes the achievements of students in Ireland on PISA 2006, when the main domain was science.

Implementing the Revised Junior Certificate Science Syllabus: What teachers said   
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As part of PISA 2006 in Ireland, those teaching science to Junior Certificate students were surveyed. This report outlines the main findings of the survey.

Junior Certificate Science: Results of a survey of teachers conducted in conjunction with PISA 2006   
This paper examines the teaching of science to Junior Certificate students in post-primary schools in Ireland. It is based on responses to a questionnaire administered in early 2006 to those teaching Junior Certificate science in schools participating in the 2006 OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).

Report on PISA Field Trial of the Computer-Based Assessment of Science: Operations and Outcomes in Ireland
The computer-based assessment of science (CBAS) was an international option of PISA 2006. The CBAS had two major aims. The first is to ascertain whether it was feasible to implement an assessment of science on computers in an international context. The second was to investigate whether, and to what extent, CBAS adds value to the existing paper-based assessment.


Information for Parents   

This brochure is targeted at the parents of students selected to participate in PISA 2006.

PISA 2006 Information   

This brochure gives a brief overview of the design of PISA 2006, highlighting what is new about the 2006 cycle, and how it was proposed to implement it in Ireland.