Participating Countries

This page lists the countries and benchmarking participants (regional entities) that took part in PIRLS 2021. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, PIRLS administration was delayed in a number of countries, including Ireland, resulting in several “waves” of assessment.

Countries Participating in PIRLS

Wave One (Administered PIRLS to original timeline; pupils at the end of Fourth grade)
Albania Hong Kong SAR Slovak Republic
Australia* Italy Slovenia
Austria Jordan South Africa*
Azerbaijan Kosovo Spain
Brazil* Macao SAR Sweden
Belgium (Flemish) Malta Turkiye
Belgium (French) Montenegro Uzbekistan
Bulgaria Netherlands
Chinese Taipei New Zealand* Benchmarking Participants
Cyprus North Macedonia Alberta, Canada
Czech Republic Norway (5) British Columbia, Canada
Denmark Oman Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada
Egypt Poland Moscow City, Russian Federation
Finland Portugal South Africa (6)*
France Russian Federation
Germany Singapore
Wave Two (Delayed administration of PIRLS by 6 months; pupils at the start of Fifth grade)
Bahrain Lithuania Benchmarking Participants
Canada Morocco Quebec, Canada
Croatia Northern Ireland Abu Dhabi, UAE
Georgia Qatar Dubai, UAE
Hungary Saudi Arabia
Ireland United Arab Emirates
Kazakhstan United States
Wave Three (Delayed administration of PIRLS by one year to spring 2022; pupils at the end of Fourth grade)
Iran, Islamic Rep, of
* Southern Hemisphere participant that administered PIRLS in autumn 2021 rather than autumn 2020 as initially planned.