Publications Archive

Publications 2025

Research Articles Article Title Journal / Source Authors Date Links Irish pupils and the TIMSS reports.   InTouch, 222, 29-31   Aidan Clerkin & Gráinne McHugh January 2025 Download Article How Large-scale Assessments have Informed Education Policy in Ireland. IEA Compass: Briefs in Education #26 Aidan Clerkin & Emer Delaney January 2025 Download Article

Publications 2024

Reports Project Report Title Authors Date Links PIRLS 2021 PIRLS 2021: Exploring the contexts for reading of primary school pupils in Ireland Vasiliki Pitsia, Sarah McAteer, Gráinne McHugh, and Emer Delaney December 2024 Report Infographics & Appendices TIMSS 2023 TIMSS 2023: Insights into mathematics and science achievement in Ireland Gráinne McHugh, Sylvia Denner, Aidan Clerkin,Read more…

Publications 2023

Reports Delaney, E., McAteer, S., Delaney, M., McHugh, G., & O’Neill, B. (2023). PIRLS 2021: Reading results for Ireland. Dublin: Educational Research Centre. [DOWNLOAD] [DOWNLOAD INFOGRAPHIC SUMMARY] Denner, S. (2023). PISA Testing, Spring vs Autumn 2018: A Feasibility Study. Dublin: Educational Research Centre. [DOWNLOAD] Donohue, B., Perkins, R., Millar, D., Walsh, T., & Delaney, M.,Read more…

Publications 2022

Articles Clerkin, A., Jeffers, G. & Choi, SD. (2022). Wellbeing in Personal Development: Lessons from National School-Based Programmes in Ireland and South Korea. In: McLellan, R., Faucher, C. & Simovska, V. (eds) Wellbeing and Schooling. Transdisciplinary Perspectives in Educational Research. Vol. 4 (pp.155-172). Springer. [DOWNLOAD] Department of Education, National Council for Curriculum and Assessment,Read more…

Publications 2021

Articles Duggan, A., Karakolidis, A., Kiniry, J., & Shiel, G. (2021). Investigating educational inequality using national assessment data: The early years of the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategy. InTouch, 200, 56–57. [LINK] Gilleece, L. & Delaney, E. (2021). Using data from national and international large-scale assessments in the monitoring and evaluation of DEIS. Leadership+, 119,Read more…

Publications 2020

Articles Clerkin, A. (2020). A three-wave longitudinal assessment of socioemotional development in a year-long school-based ‘gap year’. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 90 (1), 109-129. [Link to PDF] Department of Education and Skills, National Council for Curriculum and ‎Assessment, Clerkin, A., & Perkins, R. (2020). Ireland. In Kelly, D.L., Centurino, V.A.S., Martin, M.O., & Mullis, I.V.S.Read more…

Publications 2019

Articles Clerkin, A. (2019). What do we know about Transition Year? Looking to the future. (Senior Cycle Review discussion paper). Dublin: ERC and NCCA.[Download] Kavanagh, L. (2019). ​​​​​​Academic self-concept formation: testing the internal/external frame of reference model, big-fish-little-pond model, and an integrated model at the end of primary school. European Journal of Psychology of Education.[Link to PDF] Kavanagh,Read more…

Publications 2018

Articles Clerkin, A. (2018). Can Ireland’s experience with Transition Year provide lessons for other countries?‎ TY Update (Summer 2018). Clerkin, A. (2018). Filling in the gaps: A theoretical grounding for an education programme for adolescent socioemotional and vocational development in Ireland. Review of Education, 6, 146-179. [link to PDF] Clerkin, A. (2018). Context and Implications DocumentRead more…

Publications 2017

Articles Clerkin, A. (2017). Using international assessments to inform education policy in Ireland. ‎In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the ‎UNESCO Regional Center for Educational Planning. Dubai: Regional Center for Educational Planning. [Link to PDF] Clerkin, A. (2017). Can schools facilitate positive psychosocial development in adolescence?  Assessing Ireland’s “Transition Year” programme. European AssociationRead more…

Publications 2016

Articles Clerkin, A. (2016). Homework and study behaviours before the Leaving Certificate among Transition Year participants and non-participants. Irish Journal of Education, 41, 5-23. Cunningham, R., Close, S., & Shiel, G. (2016). Assessment of Project Maths at Junior Certificate level: An exploratory study using the PISA and TIMSS assessment frameworks. Irish Journal of Education, 41,Read more…

Publications 2015

Articles Cosgrove, J. (2015). Changes in achievement in PISA from 2000 to 2009 in Ireland: Beyond the test scores. Irish Journal of Education, 40, 29-44. Gilleece, L. (2015). Parental involvement and pupil reading achievement in Ireland: Findings from PIRLS 2011. International Journal of Educational Research, 73, pp.23-36. doi:10.1016/j.ijer.2015.08.001 Kavanagh, L. (2015). National assessments show increase inRead more…

Publications 2014

Articles Brozo, B., Sulkunen, S., Shiel, G., Garbe, C., Pandian, A., & Valtin, R. (2014). ‎Reading, gender and engagement: Lessons from five PISA countries. Journal ‎of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 57(7), 584-593. ‎ Cosgrove, J., & Cartwright, F. (2014). Changes in achievement on PISA: The case of ‎Ireland and implications for international assessment practice. Large-ScaleRead more…

Publications 2013

Articles Clerkin, A. (2013). Growth of the ‘Transition Year’ programme, nationally and in schools serving disadvantaged students, 1992-2011. Irish Educational Studies, 32(2), 197-215. Clerkin, A. (2013). Mathematics in fourth class: Achievement and contextual findings ‎from TIMSS 2011. In T. Dooley, S. Nic Mhuirí, M. O’Reilly, & R. Ward ‎‎(Eds), Mathematics education: Crossing boundaries. Proceedings ofRead more…

Publications 2012

Articles Clerkin, A. (2012). Personal development in secondary education: The Irish Transition Year. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 20(38). Close, S., Oldham, E., Shiel, G., Dooley, T., & O’Leary, M. (2012). Effects of calculators on mathematics achievement and attitudes of ninth-grade students. Journal of Educational Research, 105(6), 377-390. Cosgrove, J., & Gilleece, L. (2012). AnRead more…

Publications 2011

Articles Close, S., Shiel, G., Kiniry, J., & Millar, D. (2011). Assessing reasoning and problem solving  in Junior Cycle mathematics: Lessons from a pilot study. In T. Dooley, D. Corcoran & M. Ryan ‎‎(Eds.), Proceedings of the fourth national conference on research in mathematics education ‎‎(MEI4). 104-116. Dublin: St Patrick’s College.‎ Cosgrove, J., & Cunningham,Read more…

Publications 2010

Articles Eivers, E. (2010). PISA: Issues in implementation and interpretation.  Irish Journal of Education, 38, 94-118. Gilleece, L., Cosgrove, J., & Sofroniou, N. (2010). Equity in mathematics and science outcomes: Characteristics associated with high and low achievement on PISA 2006 in Ireland. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 8, 475-496 Kellaghan, T. (2010).  EvaluationRead more…

Publications 2009

Articles Brozo, W.G., Sutton Flint, E.S., Shiel, G., Persson, U.B., Garbe, C., & Dachkova, L. (2009). Content reading in four European Union countries. Reading Teacher, 62(3), 170-173. Close, S., Millar, D., & Shiel, G. (2009). Characteristics and curriculum validity of test items for the National Assessment of Mathematics Achievement in 6th class. In D. Corcoran,Read more…

Publications 2008

Articles Kellaghan, T. (2008). IEA studies and educational policy. In W. Harlen (Ed.), Student assessment and testing. London: Sage. Pp. 394-412. Kellaghan, T. (2008). Qué mecanismos de monitoreo se pueden utilizar para efectuar ‎estudios internacionales comparados y estudios nacionales? In K.N. Ross and I.J.  ‎Genevois (Eds.), Estudios internacionales sobre la calidad de la educación. Paris:Read more…

Publications 2007

Articles Brozo, W., Shiel, G., & Topping, K. (2007). Engagement in reading: Lessons learned from three PISA countries.Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 51(4), 304-315. DOWNLOAD Close, S., Oldham, E., Surgenor, P., Shiel, G., Dooley, T., & O’Leary, M. (2007). Are calculators detrimental to students’ mathematical development? The effects of introducing calculators into the IrishRead more…

Publications 2006

Articles Eivers, E., & Kennedy, D. (2006). The PISA assessment of scientific literacy. Irish Journal of Education, 37, 101-119. Kellaghan, T. (2006). What monitoring mechanisms can be used for cross-national (and national) studies? In K. N. Ross & I. J. Genevois (Eds.), Cross-national studies of the quality of education: Planning their design and managing theirRead more…

Publications 2005

Articles Cosgrove, J., Oldham, E.E., & Close, S. (2005). Assessment of mathematics in PISA 2003: Achievements of Irish 15-year olds in an international context. In S. Close, T. Dooley, & D. Corcoran (Eds.), Proceedings of the First National Conference of Research in Mathematics Education. Dublin: St Patrick’s College. Pp. 193-208. Cosgrove, J., Zastrutzki, S., &Read more…

Publications 2004

Articles Cosgrove, J. (2004). Procedure used to adjust for non-response in the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA 2000) and implications for the interpretation of student achievement outcomes in Ireland. In M. Murphy, & L. McHugh (Eds.), NUI Maynooth: Postgraduate Research Record: Proceedings of the Colloquium 2004. Maynooth: NUI Maynooth. Pp. 55-59. Cosgrove, J.,Read more…

Publications 2003

Articles Archer, P. (2003). The ebb and flow of consensus seeking: 1988 to 2003. In Reflections in a time of change. A tribute to Sr Teresa McCormack. Dublin: CORI Education Commission. Pp.21-43. Cosgrove, J., & Forde, P. (2003). National assessments of English reading in Ireland. In G. Shiel and U. Ní Dhálaigh (Eds.), Other waysRead more…

Publications 2002

Articles Archer, P., & McCormack, T. (2002). Lay trusteeship and a vision of the future of Irish Catholic education: A response to David Tuohy, S.J. Studies, 91, 55-61. Cosgrove, J., Shiel, G., & Kennedy, D. (2002). The performance of Irish students in scientific literacy in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). Irish Journal ofRead more…

Publications 2001

Articles Archer, P. (2001). ‘A response to Brahm Norwich’. Open dialogue on inclusion: Evidence or value-based policy and practice? Psychology of Education Review, 25(1), 12-14. Archer, P. (2001). Public spending on education, inequality and poverty. In S. Cantillon, C. Corrigan, P. Kirby, & J. O’Flynn (Eds.), Rich and poor: Perspectives on tackling inequality in Ireland.Read more…

Publications 2000

Articles Cosgrove, J. (2000). El sistema nacional de evaluación de resultados educativos: Irlanda. Revista de Educación, 321, 23-34. Cosgrove, J., & Morgan, M. (2000). Students’ TV viewing, computer game playing, and attitudes to reading. Irish Journal of Education, 31, 50-62. Kellaghan, T., & Madaus, G. F. (2000). Outcome evaluation. In D. F. Stufflebeam, G. F.Read more…