PISA 2003


PISA 2003 Teachers’Guide to Mathematics   

The teachers’guide describes the achievements of students in Ireland on the PISA assessment of mathematical literacy and the implications of these results for the teaching of mathematics in Ireland.

PISA 2003 Summary Report
The PISA 2003 summary report describes the achievements of students in Ireland on PISA 2003, when the main domain was mathematics.

PISA 2003 Full Report for Ireland
The full report for Ireland for PISA 2003, which describes outcomes and implications in more depth.

PISA 2003 National Symposium, April 6, 2005   

The PISA 2003 National Symposium event programme, proceedings and presentations are available here for download

PISA 2003 Sample Items
This document contains a comprehensive set of sample tasks in mathematics, reading, science and problem solving, together with item statistics for Ireland and the OECD.

PISA 2003 Information   

This brochure offers a brief overview of the design of PISA 2003 and its implementation in Ireland.