Foireann shealadach ag teastáil – freagraí scoláirí a scóráil/Temporary staff required – scoring student responses

Idir 25 Samhain– 13 Nollaig 2024, beidh an Foras Taighde Oideachais (FTO) ag scóráil freagraí na scoláirí ar an leagan caighdeánaithe den MDLI-G (Measúnú agus Diagnóisic Litearthachta don Iar-bhunscoil – Gaeilge) agus tá foireann shealadach á lorg chun cabhrú leis seo.

Tá an post seo oiriúnach d’iarrthóirí a bhfuil cur amach acu ar an nGaeilge ach nach gá go mbeidís líofa.

Déantar an scóráil ar an láthair ag an bhForas Taighde Oideachais (FTO) ó 9:30am go 4:30pm, Luan go hAoine.

Cliceáil anseo le do thoil le haghaidh tuilleadh eolais.


Between 25th November – 13th December 2024, the Educational Research Centre (ERC) will be scoring student responses on the standardisation version of the MDLI-G (Measúnú agus Diagnóisic Litearthachta don Iar-bhunscoil – Gaeilge) and is seeking temporary staff to assist with this.

This position is suitable for candidates with a familiarity with the Irish language without the requirement for fluent proficiency.

Scoring takes place onsite at the Educational Research Centre (ERC) from 9:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday.

Please click here for more information.

Job Category: Research
Job Type: Temporary
Job Location: On site
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