Participating Countries

This page lists the countries and benchmarking participants (regional entities) that took part in TIMSS 2023 at one or both grade levels.

Countries that Participated in TIMSS 2023

Albania Iran, Islamic Rep. of Oman
Armenia Iraq Palestinian National Authority
Australia Ireland Poland
Austria Israel Portugal
Azerbaijan Italy Qatar
Bahrain Côte d’Ivoire Romania
Belgium, Flemish Japan Saudi Arabia
Belgium, French Jordan Serbia
Bosnia & Herzegovina Kazakhstan Singapore
Brazil Korea, Rep. of Slovak Republic
Bulgaria Kosovo Slovenia
Canada Kuwait South Africa
Chile Kurdistan Region of Iraq Spain
Chinese Taipei Latvia Sweden
Cyprus Lithuania Türkiye
Czech Republic Macau SAR United Arab Emirates
Denmark Malaysia United States
England Malta Uzbekistan
Finland Montenegro Benchmarking Participants
France Morocco Ontario, Canada
Georgia Netherlands Quebec, Canada
Germany New Zealand Abu Dhabi, UAE
Hong Kong SAR North Macedonia Dubai, UAE
Hungary Norway Sharjah, UAE