The IJE welcomes submissions on any of the following:
- Quantitative analyses of large-scale international assessment data
- Quantitative analyses of large-scale national assessment data
- Test development and test standardisation studies
- Evaluations of national educational programmes, initiatives or policies
- Quantitative, qualitative or mixed-method analyses of smaller-scale assessment or evaluation studies, including case studies
- Reviews of educational research, policy and/or theoretical perspectives.
Articles which have a particular relevance to education in Ireland are especially welcome.
Full-length articles should be not less than 3,500 words and not more than 6,500 words in length (including references and appendices) and should be accompanied by a summary or abstract of a maximum of 200 words. Generally these articles consist of a report on analyses of one or more research questions using one or more data sources.
Short articles should be between 1,500 and 2,500 words (including references and appendices) and should be accompanied by a summary or abstract of a maximum of 200 words. Generally these articles consist of an evidence-based commentary or position on aspects of educational research, policy or practice.
To facilitate blind reviewing, please ensure that submissions do not contain identifying author information. Author, institution, and funding details (if any) should be submitted in a separate document to the main text.
Article style and references must follow the APA system. A short guide to submitting your paper to the IJE can be downloaded here.
Word templates for submission can be downloaded here (for title page with identifying information) and here (for article body without identifying information).
Articles which do not meet these guidelines cannot be accepted for further consideration.
Articles should be submitted in Microsoft Word or other Microsoft Word-compatible text editing software to ije@erc.ie. For security reasons, links to shared cloud-based files cannot be accepted.
Queries – for example, regarding the suitability of a proposed paper – can also be sent to ije@erc.ie.
The journal editors will endeavour to acknowledge submissions and respond to queries within 3 working days, and complete reviews of submissions within 6-8 weeks.