Dr Thomas Kellaghan (1933-2017): An Appreciation

…of our times, were immense in Ireland and elsewhere.   For a short trip down memory lane with Tom and broadcaster John Bowman follow the link http://www.rte.ie/archives/2014/0306/600492-learning-for-life/ See also, http://www.irishtimes.com/life-and-style/people/obituary-tom-kellaghan-1.3055068…

Temporary positions available

…Further Information: More information on TIMSS in Ireland or PISA in Ireland can be found at www.erc.ie/timss & www.erc.ie/pisa. For further information about the scoring positions, please contact Paula Chute…

Publications 2021

…assessment data. Irish Journal of Education, 44 (1), 1-24 www.erc.ie/ije [DOWNLOAD] Karakolidis, A., Duggan, A., Shiel, G., & Kiniry, J. (2021). Examining educational inequalities: Insights in the context of improved…


Ireland National Co-ordinators: Jude Cosgrove and Lorraine Gilleece Address: Educational Research Centre, Drumcondra, Dublin 9, Ireland Web: http://www.erc.ie/iccs Email: iccs@erc.ie Telephone: +353 1 806 5217 or +353 1 806 5201…

| Irish Journal of Education

The Irish Journal of Education (IJE) is an open-access peer-reviewed journal published by the Educational Research Centre (ERC). From 2021 (Volume 44) onwards, this journal is published online only at…

| Publications

…2021 (Volume 44) onwards, this journal is published online only at www.erc.ie/ije. The current volume of the IJE can be accessed here. All previous volumes can be accessed here.  …

Contact Us

…Test Department – paper-based and DOTS (online) tests: 01 837 7614 / tests@erc.ie / dots@erc.ie N.B. Please note we cannot process orders for standardised tests over the phone alone. For…