Publications 2023


  • Delaney, E., McAteer, S., Delaney, M., McHugh, G., & O’Neill, B. (2023). PIRLS 2021: Reading results for Ireland. Dublin: Educational Research Centre. [DOWNLOAD] [DOWNLOAD INFOGRAPHIC SUMMARY]
  • Denner, S. (2023). PISA Testing, Spring vs Autumn 2018: A Feasibility Study. Dublin: Educational Research Centre. [DOWNLOAD]
  • Donohue, B., Perkins, R., Millar, D., Walsh, T., & Delaney, M., with Karakolidis, A., & Taylor, K. (2023). PISA 2022: Non-response bias analysis for Ireland. Dublin: Educational Research Centre. [DOWNLOAD]
  • Donohue, B., Perkins, R., Walsh, T., O’Neill, B., Ó Duibhir, C., & Duggan, A. (2023). Education in a Dynamic World: The performance of students in Ireland in PISA 2022. Dublin: Educational Research Centre. [DOWNLOAD][DOWNLOAD E-APPENDIX]
  • Gilleece, L., & Nelis, S. M. (2023). Ireland’s 2021 National Assessments of Mathematics and English Reading: Exploring the home backgrounds, classrooms and schools of pupils in Urban DEIS schools. Educational Research Centre. [DOWNLOAD][DOWNLOAD INFOGRAPHIC SUMMARY]
  • Gilleece, L., Surdey, J., & Rawdon, C. (2023). An evaluation framework for teachers’ professional learning in Ireland. Educational Research Centre. [DOWNLOAD]
  • Kiniry, J., Duggan, A., Karakolidis, A., Cunningham, R. & Millar, D. (2023). The National Assessments of Mathematics and English Reading 2021: Performance Report. Dublin: Educational Research Centre. [DOWNLOAD]
  • Nelis, S. M. & Gilleece, L. (2023). Ireland’s National Assessments of Mathematics and English Reading 2021: A focus on achievement in urban DEIS schools. Dublin: Educational Research Centre. [DOWNLOAD] [DOWNLOAD INFOGRAPHIC SUMMARY]

Special Issue

  • Lewis, M., Delaney, E., Pitsia, V., & Clerkin, A. (Eds.). (2023). Teachers as researchers: A cross-border collaboration on the island of Ireland [Special Issue]. Irish Journal of Education, 47. [DOWNLOAD]


  • Clerkin, A., Pitsia, V., Delaney, E., & Lewis, M. (2023). Showcasing collaborative research in education across the island of Ireland [Editorial]. Irish Journal of Education, 47(1), 1-3. [DOWNLOAD]
  • Duggan, A., Karakolidis, A., Clerkin, A., Gilleece, L., & Perkins, R. (2023). Trends in educational inequalities in Ireland’s primary schools: an analysis based on TIMSS data (2011–2019). Large-Scale Assessments in Education, 11:39. [LINK]
  • Flannery, D., Gilleece, L., & Clavel, J. G. (2023). School socio-economic context and student achievement in Ireland: an unconditional quantile regression analysis using PISA 2018 data. Large-scale Assessments in Education, 11(1), 19. [LINK]
  • Gilleece, L. (2023). Publication of a new framework for the evaluation of teachers’ professional learning (TPL) in Ireland. Leadership+, 129, p. 28. [LINK]
  • Gilleece, L., & Delaney, E. (2023). Insights on equity in mathematics and reading skills: Ireland’s performance in large-scale assessments at primary level. In B. Mooney (Ed.), Ireland’s Education Yearbook 2023 (pp. 185-188). Education Matters. [LINK]
  • Mazzone, A., Karakolidis, A., Pitsia, V., Freeney, Y., & O’Higgins Norman, J. (2023). Witnessing bullying at work: Employee silence in higher education institutions. Higher Education Quarterly. [LINK]