Publications 2016


  • Clerkin, A. (2016). Homework and study behaviours before the Leaving Certificate among Transition Year participants and non-participants. Irish Journal of Education, 41, 5-23.
  • Cunningham, R., Close, S., & Shiel, G. (2016). Assessment of Project Maths at Junior Certificate level: An exploratory study using the PISA and TIMSS assessment frameworks. Irish Journal of Education, 41, 78-116.
  • Department of Education and Skills, National Council for Curriculum and ‎Assessment, Clerkin, A., & Perkins, R. (2016). Ireland. In I. Mullis, M. Martin, S. Goh & K. Cotter. (Eds.) TIMSS 2015 ‎Encyclopedia: Education Policy and Curriculum in Mathematics and Science.
  • Eivers, E. (2016). Educational Research Centre: new status and new tests. Guideline, 46 (1), 20-21.
  • Kelleher, C., & Weir, S. (2016). Class size and student-teacher ratio at primary level in Ireland and other OECD countries.  The Irish Journal of Education, 41, 39-60.
  • Weir, S. (2016). Raising achievement in schools in disadvantaged areas. In Edgar, S. (Ed.) Successful approaches to raising attainment and tackling inequity. CIDREE Yearbook 2016 (pp. 74-89). Livingston: Education Scotland.


  • Clerkin, A., Perkins, R., & Cunningham. R. (2016). TIMSS 2015 in Ireland: Mathematics and science in primary and post-primary schools. Dublin: Educational Research Centre. DOWNLOAD
  • Perkins, R., & Shiel, G. (2016). A teacher’s guide to PISA mathematics and problem solving. Findings from PISA 2012. Dublin: Educational Research Centre. DOWNLOAD
  • Perkins, R., & Shiel, G. (2016). PISA in classrooms: Implications for the teaching and learning of mathematics in Ireland. Dublin: Educational Research Centre. DOWNLOAD
  • Shiel, G., Kelleher, C., McKeown, C., & Denner, S. (2016). Future ready? The performance of 15-year-olds in Ireland on science, reading literacy and mathematics in PISA 2015. Dublin: Educational Research Centre. DOWNLOAD
  • Shiel, G., Kelleher, C., McKeown, C., & Denner, S. (2016). PISA 2015 E-Appendix: Supplementary Tables to the PISA 2015 National Report for Ireland. Dublin: Educational Research Centre. DOWNLOAD
  • Weir, S., & Denner, S. (2016). A survey of the socioeconomic profile of all post-primary schools in 2014 in the context of developing a new resource allocation model. Report to the Department of Education and Skills / National Council for Special Education. Dublin: Educational Research Centre. DOWNLOAD