- Clerkin, A. (2013). Growth of the ‘Transition Year’ programme, nationally and in schools serving disadvantaged students, 1992-2011. Irish Educational Studies, 32(2), 197-215.
- Clerkin, A. (2013). Mathematics in fourth class: Achievement and contextual findings from TIMSS 2011. In T. Dooley, S. Nic Mhuirí, M. O’Reilly, & R. Ward (Eds), Mathematics education: Crossing boundaries. Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Research in Mathematics Education, 52-63. Dublin: St. Patrick’s College.
- Clerkin, A. (2103). More results from PIRLS 2011: Pupil engagement and attitudes to reading, Reading News (Autumn), 12-13.
- Close, S. (2013). TIMSS 2011 and the Irish mathematics curriculum – what can we learn from curriculum matching and item analyses? In T. Dooley, S. Nic Mhuirí, M. O’Reilly, & R. Ward (Eds), Mathematics education: Crossing boundaries. Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Research in Mathematics Education, 64-76. Dublin: St. Patrick’s College.
- Eivers, E. (2013). Results from PIRLS. Reading News (Spring), 12-14. - Kennedy, E., & Shiel, G. (2013). Closing the gap through professional development. In K. Hall, T. Cremin, B. Comber, & L. Moll (Eds), International handbook of research in children’s literacy, learning and culture, 485-498. Sussex: Wiley.
- Shiel, G. (2013). Adolescent literacy and outcomes of PISA 2009 in Ireland. In K. Willoughby, B. Culligan, A. Kelly, & G. Mehigan (Eds.), From literacy research to classroom practice: Insights and inspiration, 123-134. Dublin: Reading Association of Ireland.
- Shiel, G. (2013). Bridges from primary to post-primary mathematics: The PISA enigma. In T. Dooley, S. NicMhuirí, M. O’Reilly, & R. Ward (Eds), Mathematics education: Crossing boundaries. Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Research in Mathematics Education, 77-88. Dublin: St. Patrick’s College.
The following appear as chapters in E. Eivers & A. Clerkin, (Eds), National schools, international contexts: Beyond the PIRLS and TIMSS test results. (2013). Dublin: Educational Research Centre.
- Clerkin, A. (2013). Teachers and teaching practices. In E. Eivers & A. Clerkin, (Eds), National schools, international contexts: Beyond the PIRLS and TIMSS test results, 77-104. Dublin: Educational Research Centre.
DOWNLOAD - Clerkin, A., & Creaven, A-M. (2013). Pupil engagement. In Eivers & A. Clerkin, (Eds), National schools, international contexts: Beyond the PIRLS and TIMSS test results, 33-35. Dublin: Educational Research Centre.
DOWNLOAD - Close, S. (2013). Mathematics items: Context and curriculum. In E. Eivers, & A. Clerkin, (Eds), National schools, international contexts: Beyond the PIRLS and TIMSS test results, 152-175. Dublin: Educational Research Centre.
DOWNLOAD - Concannon-Gibney, T., & Shiel, G. (2013). Reading literacy in PIRLS 2011. In E. Eivers & A. Clerkin, (Eds.), National schools, international contexts: Beyond the PIRLS and TIMSS test results, 129-152. Dublin: Educational Research Centre.
DOWNLOAD - Cosgrove, J., & Creaven, A-M. (2013). Understanding achievement in PIRLS and TIMSS 2011. In E. Eivers, & A. Clerkin, (Eds), National schools, international contexts: Beyond the PIRLS and TIMSS test results, 201-239. Dublin: Educational Research Centre.
DOWNLOAD - Eivers, E. (2013). Pupils’ languages. In E. Eivers, & A. Clerkin, (Eds), National schools, international contexts: Beyond the PIRLS and TIMSS test results, 55-76. Dublin: Educational Research Centre.
DOWNLOAD - Eivers, E., & Clerkin, A. (2013). PIRLS and TIMSS 2011: Overview. In E. Eivers, & A. Clerkin, (Eds), National schools, international contexts: Beyond the PIRLS and TIMSS test results, 1-11. Dublin: Educational Research Centre.
DOWNLOAD - Eivers, E., & Creaven, A-M. (2013). Home-school interaction. In E. Eivers, & A. Clerkin, (Eds), National schools, international contexts: Beyond the PIRLS and TIMSS test results, 105-128. Dublin: Educational Research Centre.
DOWNLOAD - Lewis, M., & Archer, P. (2013). Features of policy and provision. In E. Eivers, & A. Clerkin, (Eds), National schools, international contexts: Beyond the PIRLS and TIMSS test results, 13-31. Dublin: Educational Research Centre.
- Eivers, E., & Clerkin, A. (Eds.). (2013). National Schools, international contexts: Beyond the PIRLS and TIMSS test results. Dublin: Educational Research Centre.
DOWNLOAD - Moran, G., Perkins, R., Cosgrove, J., & Shiel, G. (2013). Mathematics in Transition Year: Insights of teachers from PISA 2012. Dublin: Educational Research Centre.
DOWNLOAD - Perkins, R., Shiel, G., Merriman, B., Cosgrove, J., & Moran, G. (2013). Learning for life: The achievements of 15-year-olds in Ireland on mathematics, reading literacy and science in PISA 2012. Dublin: Educational Research Centre.
DOWNLOAD - Weir, S., & Denner, S. (2013). The evaluation of the School Support Programme under DEIS: Changes in pupil achievement between 2007 and 2013. Report to the Department of Education and Skills. Dublin: Educational Research Centre.
DOWNLOAD - Weir, S. & McAvinue, L. (2013). The achievements and characteristics of pupils attending rural schools participating in DEIS. Report to the Department of Education and Skills. Dublin: Educational Research Centre.