Publications 2006


  • Eivers, E., & Kennedy, D. (2006). The PISA assessment of scientific literacy. Irish Journal of Education, 37, 101-119.
  • Kellaghan, T. (2006). What monitoring mechanisms can be used for cross-national (and national) studies? In K. N. Ross & I. J. Genevois (Eds.), Cross-national studies of the quality of education: Planning their design and managing their impact. Paris: International Institute for Educational Planning. Pp. 51-66.
  • Shiel, G. (2006). The PISA assessment of reading literacy. Irish Journal of Education, 37, 79-100.
  • Shiel, G., Sofroniou, N., & Cosgrove, J. (2006). An overview of the main findings of PISA 2003 in Ireland. Irish Journal of Education, 37, 5-26.
  • Sofroniou, N. (2006). GQZ: Gaussian quadrature points for the Normal distribution [Computer software]. In J. Einbeck, R. Darnell, & J. Hinde (Eds.), R package npmlreg: Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation for random effect models.
  • Sofroniou, N. (2006). Random effects models for scoring disadvantage in Irish primary schools. In M. Cronin, F. O’Sullivan, J. O’Sullivan, & K. R. Choudhury (Eds.), Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland. Cork: University College Cork. Pp. 62-63.
  • Sofroniou, N., Einbeck, J., & Hinde, J. (2006). Analyzing Irish suicide rates with mixture models. In J. Hinde, J. Einbeck, & J. Newell (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Statistical Modelling. Galway: National University of Ireland Galway. Pp. 474-481.


  • Eivers, E., Shiel, G., Cheevers, C. (2006). Implementing the Revised Junior Certificate Science Syllabus. What teachers said. Dublin: Stationery Office.
  • Harris, J., Forde, P., Archer, P., Nic Fhearaile, S., & O’Gorman, M. (2006). Irish in primary schools. Long-term national trends in achievement. Dublin: Stationery Office.
  • Lewis, M., & Archer, P. (2006). Home-School-Community-Liaison in Early Start Schools. Report to the Department of Education and Science. Dublin: Educational Research Centre.
  • Millar, D., Kellaghan, T., & Mac Aogáin, E. (2006). A study of the intended and achieved weights of components in the Leaving Certificate Examination. Dublin: Educational Research Centre.
  • Shiel, G., & O’Flaherty, A. (2006). NCTE 2005 Census on ICT infrastructure in schools. Statistical report. Report prepared for the National Centre for Technology in Education. Dublin: Educational Research Centre.
  • Shiel, G., Surgenor, P., Close, S., & Millar, D. (2006). The 2004 National Assessment of Mathematics Achievement.Dublin: Educational Research Centre.
  • Surgenor, P., Shiel, G., Close, S., & Millar, D. (2006). Counting on success: Mathematics achievement in Irish primary schools. Dublin: Stationary Office.
  • Weir, S. (2006). A report on the procedures used to identify post-primary schools for inclusion in the School Support Programme under DEIS. Dublin: Educational Research Centre.


  • Educational Research Centre. (2006). Drumcondra Primary Mathematics Test – Revised. Levels 1-2, Form A; Levels 3-6, Forms A and B. Dublin: Author.
  • Educational Research Centre. (2006). Drumcondra Primary Mathematics Test – Revised Manual. Level 1. Dublin: Author.
  • Educational Research Centre. (2006). Drumcondra Primary Mathematics Test – Revised Manual. Level 2. Dublin: Author.
  • Educational Research Centre. (2006). Drumcondra Primary Mathematics Test – Revised Manual. Levels 3-6. Dublin: Author.